



The World Bank Group

Support design and implementation of Social Impact Assessment (SIA) for Post Disaster Needs Assessment- Pakistan Floods 2022.

The development of the research tools jointly with the SSI World Bank team

Translation of SIA questionnaires and research tools.

Rapid field testing of SIA questionnaires and research tools in one flood-affected district of KP province.

Conducting and transcribing 24 Focus Groups Discussions (6 FGDs in each of four provinces) with participants selected from flood-affected districts.

Conducting and transcribing 65 Key Informant Interviews (15 KIIs each in 4 provinces, and 5 at federal/national) with representatives of provincial and federal disaster management agencies, district administrations, development partners and local CSOs/NGOs, as well as humanitarian and relief organization officials and disaster risk management/resilience expert.

Collating and coding qualitative data from FGD and KII transcripts to streamline analysis of key themes and trends; supplement information using the same coding system, with secondary provincial and/or district-level quantitative data on the social impacts on different vulnerable and marginalized groups (vulnerable and marginalized groups to be well-defined by major categories and listing provided for FGDs in methodology.

Making presentation of main findings on 1-day data workshop for presenting the preliminary results of the SIA held on September 30, 2022 at the World Bank Office, Islamabad.

The World Bank Group

Study on Qualitative Data Collection - Status of Home-based Workers in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Finalization of research tools for focus group discussion and key informant interviews, as well as translation of the tools into local language(s).

Preparation of a comprehensive field implementation plan.

Identifying home-based workers for the FGDs in two districts each of KP and Balochistan as well as relevant officials from government, development partners, NGOs, and trade unions for key informant interviews

Managing all logistics including organizing the venue and meals for the FGD’s as well as the stipend/travel allowance for participants for attending the FGD’s. For interviews, the firm will be responsible for setting up the appointments and managing travel accordingly.

Hiring staff as per the assignment’s requirements including researchers and skilled facilitators well versed in local languages to conduct the FGDs and KIIs.

Collection of qualitative data in the form of FGDs and KIIs during the fieldwork.

Transcribing, coding, and documenting of data for sharing with World Bank team.

Preparation of final report of findings for presentation to World Bank team.

International Labour Organization

Preparation of chapter on Employment and Livelihoods Losses as a result of 2022 Floods in Pakistan, which was part of the Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) by.

Analyzing district level Labour Force Survey 2020-21 data and Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2018-19 data for estimating employment/ earnings losses across the 80 flood affected districts in four provinces

Computation of the baseline (pre-disaster) number of employees, disaggregated by sex and age, in economic sectors or type of employment within the disaster area, and update it to the disaster date.

Liaise with national statistical institutions, PDNA secretariat and other sectors on data-related queries.

Estimation of key employment & livelihoods indicators, including percentage of jobs that were lost or temporarily affected by the disaster. This percentage was applied to the (updated) pre-disaster number to calculate workdays lost as well as loss in average labour income.

Preparation of summary of the results of E&L disaster effect estimation including a detailed explanation of any data gaps or assumptions made.

Preparation of matrix with identified E&L recovery needs, including their approximate cost, duration, and prioritization.

Human Resource Development Network-HRDN

Aga Khan Rural Support Programme project implemented; Rapid Labour Force and Market Appraisal Study of six selected districts of Gilgit Baltistan and Chitral, to estimate impact of COVID-19 on the labour market of GBC region

Lead the team of consultants/ supervisors/enumerators in design and implementation of Rapid Labour Force and Market Appraisal study, using “mixed method” approach encompassing both quantitative and qualitative data.

Supervise main activities with regards to this study including development of structured questionnaire for quantitative data and semi structured questionnaire for Key Informant Interviews and Guidelines for FDGs, development of field implementation plan as well as the implementation of field activities in all six districts.

Fieldwork for the study was carried out over the period December 2021 to February 2022.

Preparation of report presenting comprehensive analysis of the labour market situation as well as providing actionable recommendations for improving livelihood generation across the 6 districts.  

Population Council, Ideas, Evidence, Impact

Preparation of chapter on “Population Dynamics, Inequalities and Relevance to Provincial Policies” for Population Situation Analysis (PSA) for Sindh, for the   ------ Report conducted by the Population Council, with the support of The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). 

Prepared analytical chapter on Population Dynamics for Sindh, using different national/ provincial data sets like PSLM, LFS, MICS, PDHS, etc. 

Chapter covered the following main dimensions

Population inequalities by poverty

Empowerment and human development (education, health and population welfare).

Gender equity and inequality

Women in work-issues disaggregated by place of work-urban rural, peri urban

Groups in vulnerable situations

Application of rights and its impact on different kinds of inequality

Presentation of main findings at the stakeholders’ workshop held in Karachi.

UN Women Pakistan.

Analysis of Horne-Based Workers’ laws enacted by provincial governments

Analyzed the salient features of laws on Horne-Based workers enacted by the four provinces, In a comparative manner to assess the similarities and differences in these laws.

Identified gaps in the legislation and resources needed to operationalize and Implement the HBW laws in respective regions.

Held consultation with relevant stakeholders for advocating their role in improving implementation of the laws to improve situation of HBWs.

Facilitated workshop with key stakeholders to present main findings of analysis and chalk out roadmap for improving implementation

Submitted final report on workshop proceedings incorporating comments of relevant stakeholders

International Consulting Associates Pvt Limited 

Review of Key Research Surveys and Studies undertaken by Implementing Partners and TA team of Balochistan Rural Development & Community Empowerment Programme (BRACE)

As part of Mid-term Review of BRACE, I carried out a document review of the surveys and studies carried out by the four implementing partners involved of BRACE programme. The review focused on three main questions;  

How well designed (including methodology) was the research and what were its limitations?  

How effective was the qualitative and quantitative data collected and analyses?  

Are the results and findings evidence-based and robust, what were the limitations and ways it could be improved? 

PITCO (Pvt) Ltd & German Development Bank, kfw. 

Feasibility Study for the Establishment of 3 TVET hubs in renewable energies in Pakistan. Labour Market assessment to inform feasibility study on the establishment of TVET hubs in the RE sector in Pakistan.

Responsible for compiling available statistics, secondary information and key informant consultations with relevant stakeholders to assess Labour market situation and trends (supply and demand) in RE sectors and employment and labour governance challenges. Conditions of employment available in the RE sectors and specifically for TVET graduates.

The diversity and type of Core graduates and graduates working in RE businesses. The impact of TVET in RE has on job/income prospects of graduates. On the basis of our analysis Mrs. Ina Pietshmann  and I prepared report on Labour market of RE sector in Pakistan.

It provides an overview of the status quo of labour supply and skills demand for renewable energy in Pakistan to provide market evidence-based recommendations that should be taken into account when planning for training options and possible entry points for KfW investments to ensure effectiveness and positive employment outcomes of interventions.
The labour market assessment utilized a mix of quantitative and qualitative research tools. 

Conducted labour market analysis on renewable energy in Pakistan for Feasibility Study for the Establishment of TVET hubs in Pakistan

International Labour Organization

Computation and tabulation of all available statistical DWIs from the standard ILO list. The Pakistan Labour Force survey will be the primary data source for the development of these indicators.

Ensuring that wherever available, annual time-series are used and data is consistent across years (i.e., data comes from the same survey/uses the same statistical definitions).  Where inconsistencies are observed but data is still included, explanatory notes must be added as footnote beneath the table concerned including, where possible, any additional DWIs which can offer a substitute for a missing main indicator or provide additional insight for the analysis section of each chapter. In addition, the consultant may also be requested to follow up the PBS or other relevant agency to include additional “priority “indicators identified and agreed upon by constituents at the consultation or validation workshop.

International Labour Organization

Desk Review of existing literatures, statistics, global good-practices, damages due to COVID-19, ongoing livelihoods protectionmeasures and youth employment programmes and identifying key stakholders:

Develop an outline of Chapter on effects of Covid-19 on Labour Market Analysis- adequately covering all areas mentioned above.

Undertake individual or group consultations with all relevant stakeholders (Federal Ministries, Provincial Governments, relevant Institutions, Employers and Workers’ Organization, existing institutions, Academia/Experts; and Civil Society Organizations).

Develop a draft chapter on effects of Covid-19 on Labour Market in Pakistan- along with identifying effective strategies to protect existing livelihoods and promote youth employment in post- COVID-19 situation as well as identifying key stakeholders and institutional analysis. Also provide a set of
Recommendations for aligning :Kamyab Jawan: Program with proposed livelihoods protection and youth employment proposal;

Participate in validation workshop with all tripartite-plus stakeholders and get feedback on the Chapter.

Finalize the Chapter in line with the inputs received from all stakeholders, UN Agencies and IO technical experts.

International Labour Organization

Designing Strategy for Extension of existing Social Security Scheme (Employment Injury Protection) to Informal Economy Workers in Pakistan.

Designed Strategy for Extension of Social Security Scheme (Employment Injury Protection) to Informal Economy Workers in Pakistan by keeping in view the ground realties of respective province after getting inputs of tripartite partners (particularly representatives of Informal Economy Workers), existing ESSI institutions, and other stakeholders (e.g., Academia, Civil Society Organizations, etc) and keeping in view the existing social security law, its coverage and benefits.

Under this assignment, I was responsible for preparing a strategy paper and designing of Social Security schemes for informal workers at  provincial level by keeping in view the ground realties of respective province  after getting inputs of tripartite partners (particularly representatives of Informal Economy Workers), existing ESSI institutions, and other stakeholders (e.g., Academia, Civil Society Organizations, etc) and keeping in view the existing social security law, its coverage and benefits

International Labour Organization

Vulnerable Workers & Social Protection, produce a paper on “Effects of COVID-19 on Vulnerable Workers & Coping mechanisms (social protection) which will become part of Chapter on Employment & Labour Market in Socio-Economic Impact Analysis”.

The consultants will coordinate with lead consultant to ensure quality of the paper and will be responsible for the production and delivery of the paper within due date.


Under this assignment, I have prepared a situational analysis report using the database of 9,000 women home-based workers and excluded groups in Pakistan, compiled by UNWOMEN.

The Report presents analysis on different aspects of home based work across three provinces of the country and also includes insights from focus group discussions with home based workers and key informant interviews with relevant government officials and staff of non-government organizations, which provide useful policy recommendations for provincial home-based workers’ policies.

Bureau of Statistics, Government of the Punjab

Baseline Census for Child Labour in 13 Selected Districts of Punjab under Integrated Project.

Responsible for report writing of this data and presenting the analysis in the form of separate reports for each of the 13 districts surveyed.

These reports will help the provincial labour department to design and implement policies and programmes for elimination of child labour and enrolling working children in schools.

International Labour Office, Islamabad

Leading the team of national consultants involved in development of Pakistan Decent Work Country Profile 2019 for the ILO. The Profile will analyze progress of Pakistan on ten dimensions of decent work over the past 10 years, using 40 statistical indicators and 21 legal framework indicators. My responsibilities under this assignment include: 

Prepare a master work plan for the assignment and assign specific responsibilities to each Consultant based on a division of responsibilities agreed by the ILO

Facilitate an initial Consultation Workshop with key stakeholders to agree on the final list of indicators to be used in Pakistan (based on standard ILO list). 

Finalize and submit to the ILO and all constituent groups the agreed list of ‘Indicators’ for inclusion in the DW Country Profile

Prepare a list of key stakeholders to get required information/data at federal and provincial levels

Ensure timely completion of agreed deliverables from the Consultants team and submission to ILO for technical reviewing.

Analyse the data and information compiled by the team, and present in the form of a decent work country profile, as per the standard ILO format

Present the findings of the first draft profile at a tripartite validation workshop in Islamabad (date to be confirmed), and participate as a resource person at that event

Provide any other support necessary to complete this assignment within time.

Management System International (MSI).

(Supply Side), Rapid Study of Workforce Value Chain, with I was responsible for preparing the labour supply analysis for the Rapid Study of Workforce Value Chain prepared MSI for USAID. My responsibilities entailed:

Review and synthesize existing reports and studies related to the labor market in Pakistan.

Develop discussion guides for interviews, conduct the interviews, and maintain detailed notes.

Participate in a team planning workshop in Islamabad to finalize the assessment design.

Draft the supply-side analysis section of the final report.

Collaborate with the rest of the team to integrate the supply-side analysis into the larger report.

Contribute to a debriefing session with USAID/Pakistan.

Bureau of Statistics

Government of the Punjab, with the collaboration of Labour & Human Resource Department

The main purpose of the survey is to identify prevalence of respiratory disease particularly silicosis on the basis of its symptoms already laid down in the questionnaire and to explore its association with socio-demographic characteristics laid down in the revised questionnaire.

The BOS will also carry out profiling of target workforce during the survey.

Assessing and delineating the magnitude of workers working at workplaces where silica exposure is anticipate in Punjab and collating information already available with relevant government departments.

Propose a Sector wise specific plan for establishments of action with programmes based on analysis of data and in depth discussions with stakeholders to address the causes and suggest remedies to overcome the problem.

Prepared Report “Survey Report on  Silicosis in Relevant Sectors of Punjab- 2018”

International Labour Organization

To update existing records/data on Decent Work Country Profile for two additional years:

To produce complete youth employment data

To plan an in-house capacity development for LFS data analysis

Desk research to analyze data from existing surveys/micro data

Ensure the validity, reliability, completeness, precision, integrity and timeliness of data.

Preparation of draft report comprising pnly of tables and graphs depicting the following three components:

Updated tables and graphs for all eleven indicators used in DWC Profile 2014 with trend from LFS 2004-05 to LFS 2014-15.

All tables and graphs for youth employment statistics (15-24  years) and (15-29 years) from LFS 2004-05 to LFS 2014-15.

In consultation with ILO learning coordinator and other staff members, develop a plan for in-house capacity development for LFS analysis

Punjab Bureau of Statistics, Government of Punjab

Engaged by Bureau of Statistics Punjab for supervising the design and execution of the Survey on Women’s Social and Economic Wellbeing in Punjab-2017-18 that was being conducted in collaboration with UNFPA and Punjab Commission on Status of Women. 

Bureau of Statistics, Government of the Punjab

Baseline Census for Child Labour in 10 Selected Districts of Punjab under Integrated Project.

Report writing of this data and presenting the analysis in the form of separate reports for each of the 10 districts surveyed. In addition to the analysis of quantitative data,

Carried out series of focused group discussions with all concerned stakeholders (parents, employers, teachers, religious leaders and elected local representatives) in all 10 districts to get greater insights into the factors responsible for child labour.

These reports will help the provincial labour department to design and implement policies and programmes for elimination of child labour and enrolling working children in schools.

UNDP Project outsourced to Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD)

Provincial and National Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (CPEIR) for Pakistan, under this project I am responsible for analysing the linkages of poverty and gender to climate change through public expenditure review

Prepared chapter analysing the linkages of poverty and gender to climate change through public expenditure review. Pakistan-Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (CPEIR), 2017

Associates in Development (AiD) Pvt. Ltd

The main objective of this research study is to assess the impact of Climate Change on selected MPI sectors/indicators in two districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan

Devise first cut of the Coding Plan ensuring the consistency between the developed questionnaire and the tabulation plan and share with the team leader. The team leader may advise on additional cross tables that may be necessary.

Review data entry procedures before data entry is started by data entry operator. Conduct statistical analysis according to the tabulation plan of the quantitative data using a statistical software (SPSS) and identifying relevant trends and key findings.

Supplement the research results by also using qualitative data (FGDs & KIIs) for analysis and visualization.

Preparing 1st draft research report by sectors (education, health and standard of living) on the basis of field data analysis including FDG/ KIIs results.

Review of Final Research report and provide technical guidance to the AiD Senior Researcher for further improvement.

International Labour Organization

Where to go for help: Pakistani migrant workers’ access to justice at home and in Gulf Cooperation Council countries (ILO, 2016)

This study was initiated to understand the situation of accessing justice in Pakistan and in Saudi

Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The study examined factors preventing migrant workers

from registering a complaint and the accessibility and effectiveness of the grievance-handling mechanisms available. The study identified bottlenecks in the grievance-handling process and potential ways to improve it to provide a speedy, accessible, less costly and just remedy to migrant workers.

The survey was conducted under the International Labour Organization’s European Union-funded South Asia Labour Migration Governance Project

The research and analysis presented in this report look at the options available to Pakistani migrant workers to access the justice system in either Pakistan or their country of destination to redress a recruitment- or employment-related grievance. The host country focus in the report is primarily Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates because they are the most common destinations for Pakistani migrant workers.

The term “access to justice” in the context of this study means the ability of migrant workers to seek and obtain a remedy through formal or informal legal institutions. Access to justice has two dimensions: (i) procedural access, which refers to a fair hearing before a tribunal, and (ii)substantive justice, which refers to receiving a fair and just remedy for a violation of rights.

The report examines the channels through which migrant workers can seek justice for recruitmentor placement-related violations. It discusses the judicial system challenges that migrants usually experience when acting on their rights. The discussion includes recommendations for the Government of Pakistan and institutions involved in the migration process to consider for minimizing the challenges that migrant workers usually encounter.

The objective of these TORs is to prepare a research paper on migrant workers access to justice, including the legal and equitable remedies for any violation of rights of Pakistani migrant workers in both countries of origin and destination in the GCC.

The researcher will examine multiple areas of laws including labour, civil, and social laws to have a better understanding of the remedies that are available for migrant workers. The researcher will additionally explore the extent to which migrants can obtain remedies through related criminal proceedings and how these proceedings may affect their access to justice.

In light of ILO’s mandate to work towards improved protection for migrant workers, this initiative will be particularly valuable in identifying the measures for accessing effective judicial remedies (material and immaterial damages, as well as punitive fines and measures) especially in cases of abuse and exploitation, to strengthen the enforcement of labour protection for migrant workers.

International Labour Organization

Under this assignment, I have been engaged to provide technical assistance to the Department of Labour (DoL), Government of Sindh for developing capacity of DoL for carrying out labour market analysis and publishing findings in form of Sindh Employment Trends Report 2016 

Assess the existing capacity  (infrastructure, human resource, expertise) provincial LMI institution and review their current and planned approaches to collecting and using LMI;

Undertake classroom sessions with the designated LMI team of DOL-Sindh on all necessary concepts, data types, sources of data and analysis methods;

Prepare first LMI Report of Sindh – with active contribution of LMI Team

Detailed work plan and budget for the assignment;
Capacity building plan for the proposed LMI unit;

Report on training and capacity building activities conducted for the concerned institution;

First LMI Report for Sindh

Assignment completion report

International Labour Organization

DRAFTING OF META ANALYSIS, OUTCOMES AND OUTPUTS Pakistan Decent Work Country Programme (2016-2020)

Draft detailed meta-analysis of employment and labour trends and issues in Pakistan based on current data, surveys and analysis. This will be drafted along agreed headings and examples of well-articulated DWCPs that are currently under implementation.

Based on the agreed priorities by ILO’s tripartite constituents, draft preliminary outcomes and outputs to be further refined through the planned Results Based Management training scheduled in the roadmap.

Participate in the various consultative processes defined in the roadmap leading to the final validation of the DWCP. This will also include participation in the RBM Training foreseen.

As part of this short-term assignment, I was engaged in the Drafting of Pakistan Decent Work Country Programme-III, which will be implemented over the period 2016-20.

International Labour Organization,

Under this assignment, I have been engaged, to  Prepare report “Law and Practice: The recruitment of low-skilled Pakistani workers for overseas employment”,

This report studies the prevailing recruitment practices in Pakistan with a focus on low-skilled migrant workers. It describes the current legal and policy frameworks, looks at actual practices and provides recommendations on how to make enforcement of recruitment regulations more efficient and equitable.

It also proposes possible measures to overcome challenges related to self-regulation and ethical recruitment.

The study is based on a survey of literature, relevant laws and rules on migration and interviews with government officers in the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development, government functionaries in field offices, migrant workers, overseas employment promoters in the public and private sectors and their representatives as well as subagents.

Thoroughly review the judicial/tribunal system and its working available to provide remedy to migrant workers in Pakistan and in key GCC destination countries.

Thoroughly review the all-existing legal frameworks provide protection to migrant workers and their implementation, gaps and challenges. 

Come up with key recommendations for Pakistan on how to increase access to justice in Pakistan and in key GCC destination countries.

Pakistan Microfinance Network

This will entail a survey of microfinance products available in Pakistan and their categorization into conventional and non-conventional products based on an objective criterion.

Estimating Potential Market Size for Microcredit in Pakistan  by using Pakistan Living Standard Measurement Survey.

Developed Framework for Estimating Potential Market Size for Microcredit clients in Pakistan

Understanding microfinance clients’ comprehension and understanding with regard to conventional and non-conventional forms of microfinance?

Understanding what beliefs and notions are attached to the different forms of microfinance that are identified by clients?

Learning from client experiences, both positive and negative, with the different modes of microfinance.

Based on the above exercise for product mapping, a product mapping report will be drafted for sharing with PMN. The existing micro-credit products will be categorized into conventional and non-conventional types on the basis of an objective criteria, that will be developed in consultation with the stakeholders and the knowledge gathered through the literature review.


Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of Pakistan

Wage Advisor for 8th Wage Board Award for Newspaper Employees for Press

Participated in meetings of All Pakistan Newspapers Society (“APNS”) and Employer chaired by Justice.

Calculation of increase in prices during the period FY 2000-01 to FY 2018-19. Calculation of increase in per capita income (at current factor cost). Prepared report of all these calculation

International Labour Organization

Assess the existing capacity (infrastructure, human resource, expertise) of each institution and understand their respective objectives for using LMI;

Develop a plan for each of the six institutions (with realistic targets till end 2015) along with an agreed upon and clear strategy and milestones.

Identify specific needs to build capacity of relevant intuitions/officials to use LMI for the purposes of labour market situation, working conditions and skills anticipation and planning. 

International Labour Organization

Development of “Decent Work Country Profile   for Pakistan”, Main responsibilities in this position include:

Conducting final consultation meetings (individual or joint) with tripartite constituents (Ministry of Human Resource Development, provincial departments of labour, Planning Commission, trade unions and employers’ representatives) to reach final agreement on the statistical indicator and legal framework indicator list used for the
Decent Work Country Profile.

Preparing an annotated outline of the planned DW country profile, on the basis of the agreed statistical and legal framework indicator list.

Working with other members of the DW Profile drafting team (national statistical and legal consultants) to agree on a work plan for the delivery of the statistical data (DWIs) and legal framework indicator information (necessary for the lead consultant to start his/her work).

Preparing a draft country profile (in English), including 11 chapters, tables, and annexes, together with an executive summary.  He/she will be responsible for writing the analytical narrative for each chapter, following the ILO’s global methodology (to be provided to the consultant), as well as a short “summary assessment” (no more than three paragraphs) of progress made at the end of each chapter.  Within this exercise, the consultant must take care to:

Ensure key linkages between the legal and policy framework and statistical trends/movements are well covered in the narrative analysis.  This may involve consulting with the statistical and legal consultants to interpret and analyse trends in the data and how these may interact with one-another.

Analyse indicators in conjunction with other relevant indicators, including those in other chapters.  The ILO manual, “Decent Work Indicators: concepts and definitions” should be consulted for guidance on which indicators should be analysed together.

Where relevant, selected case studies highlighting provincial disaggregation of key decent work indicators may also be included, to reflect decentralisation and/or geographical “focus” areas (to be discussed with ILO).

Presenting the findings of the profile at a tripartite validation workshop in Islamabad (date to be confirmed), and participating as a resource person at that event.

Leading the follow-up process of incorporating workshop recommendations into a final draft (in consultation with the ILO), ready for publication as an e-profile (available online) by the ILO. Final report is available in the following link:

GFA Consulting Group

Under this assignment, I was responsible for analysing data from the “Labour Market Intelligence Survey of Food Processing Industry” and preparing report of the main findings.

Enhancing understanding on labour market trends, skill profiles, identify skill shortages and training needs based on the preferences of the employers.

Field visits to some of the establishments in Karachi and Lahore helped in firming up the recommendations, which include the need for developing linkages between TVET institutions/ universities and industry; promoting teacher training through attachment and collaboration with industry; mandatory attachment of TVET students with industry to get practical working experience; creating awareness about the importance and benefits of research for better planning and policy making

International Labour Office, Geneva

Assessed the employment impact of the 2010 floods in Pakistan using data from Labour Force Survey.

The external collaborator will assist the EMP/TRENDS team with the following specific tasks:

Collect data and information regarding the floods through consultations with the National Disaster Management Authority and relevant government departments such as Finance and Labour.

(Based on the assessment methodology that was adopted for the 2010 floods and the information that is currently available, produce new estimates of the labour market impact of the floods based on the most recent data. To the extent possible, the estimates should be disaggregated by sex and broad economic sector. All methodological changes are subject to agreement by EMP/TRENDS.

Prepare a concise description of the results, including observations about data limitations (around five pages).

Based on the assessment, provide an overview of the main policy implications in the short and medium term (2-3 pages).

Present the assessment in meetings in consultation with the ILO Pakistan Office.

International Labour Office, Geneva

Female labour force participation in South Asia Choices of women in Pakistan

Worked on the research project ‘exploring linkages between poverty and female labour force participation in Pakistan’.

The aim of the research is identifying key factors driving increasing female participation rates in Pakistan.

A new element of the research will be an assessment of the linkages between poverty status and female labour force participation, which has recently been investigated in other countries

Prepare an overview of the literature on female labour participation in South Asia in general and Pakistan in particular, including the findings of empirical choice models.

Develop a choice model for female labour participation, including common variables such as age, education, status in employment, rural/urban area as well as poverty status.

Test the model empirically based on two years of data (around 2000 and most recent year).

Prepare an interpretation of the findings in the light of the literature.

Food and Agriculture Organization, Islamabad

Computed major livelihood indicators from the Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement (PSLM) Survey 2004-05 for district Badin and Tharparkar, for major livelihood indicators under the Strengthening Preparedness for Post-Disaster Needs Assessment Study.

This analysis is a part of the study “Strengthening Preparedness for Post-Disaster Needs Assessment A “One UN”- NDMA partnership initiative” FAO Emergency Office in Islamabad.

International Labour Office

A review of exiting work on development and compilation of DWIs in Pakistan, including the work of the Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS), the Ministry of Labour Manpower & Overseas Pakistanis, Centre for Research, Poverty Reduction & Income Distribution and the Institute (CRPRID), Pakistan Institute  of Development Economics (PIDE).

A description of the relevant data source in Pakistan for compiling the DWI and Labour Market Statistics, including relevant survey reports and demonstrative reports;

The preparation of the time series (with at least two data points, a few years apart, but for as many years as is available covering the period 1990-2004) of as many indicators as possible  among the 23 DWI;

Any other indicator, or information on any other indicator, that may be relevant as an additional DWI that relates to the conditions of the labour force in Pakistan, and is not covered by the 23 DWI suggested by the ILO, along with notes and justification;

Detailed information on source and coverage of each DWI for which the time series data is compiled;

The documentation of each time series including description of data source, definition (notes to support the fact that these indicators for Pakistan are in adherence to the definitions of the indicators provided by the ILO, and if not, where the divergences are) and classification used and highlighting any shortcomings in relation to regional set and its accompanying note and

An analysis of the results with proposals for integrating the task of collecting and compiling DWI indicators within the Pakistani national statistical system.


This assignment was part of a study to prepare a Profile of Gender in Pakistan. The tasks performed

Analysis of data pertaining to education, health, employment, demography and living conditions indicators. 

Updating data for indicators on all of the above fields from 1977 to 2002

Submitting report on the trends analyzed in all of the above fields.  

ILO-International Programme for Elimination of Child Labour

This assignment related to four baseline surveys (BLS) conducted by ILO-IPEC on Worst Forms of Child Labour in Pakistan. 

Data quality verification and analysis, checking performance of in-depth statistical analysis for each group.

Identification of inconsistencies in the Implementing Agency’s report.   Submission of report identifying data inconsistencies and gaps in each of the four BLS

World Bank

Status of Home-based Workers in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Prepared data collection tools for FGDs and KII, trained the team of enumerators, conducted focus group discussions and KIIs for collecting qualitative data, and drafted the report