Labour Market Indicators – Pakistan

Source: Calculations based on microdata from Pakistan’s National Labour Force Survey 2020/2021
Females aged 10+ in labour force and out of labour (%)

Source: Calculations based on microdata from Pakistan’s National Labour Force Survey 2020/2021

Females aged 10+ in labour force and out of labour force by level of education & region (%)

Source: Calculations based on microdata from Pakistan’s National Labour Force Survey 2020/2021
Areas for Consideration
- Mind set change-Male and Female
- New business models have emerged, with digital technologies as their main underpinnings; digital platforms are becoming the new marketplace amidst the rapid expansion in internet access over the last decade
- Homebased work facilitate
- Friendly work Environment (day care facilities)
- Public sector shrinking, mostly available jobs in private sector (align existing skill with market requirements )
- Improve productivity of Agricultural workforce
- As care economy is full time responsibility of female, flexible labour market interventions help increasing labour force participation of female
The Future of Jobs: Employment, Skills and Workforce Strategy
Immediate Focus:
- Reinventing the HR Function
- Making Use of Data Analytics
- Talent diversity—no more excuses
- Leveraging flexible working arrangements and online talent platforms
Long-Term Focus:
- Rethinking education systems
- Incentivizing lifelong learning
- Cross-industry and public-private collaboration
Need to explore the following factors to better understand low female participation in economic activities: